četvrtak, 21. prosinca 2017.

The monastery in Žitomislići

In the valley on the left bank of Neretva, on the highway towards the Adriatic Sea, we find the Žitomislići-monastery and its church. 

There are several proofs found that the village Žitomislići existed in pre-historic time, and example of these are the ruins of a basilica and stones with various engraved patterns. Several churches and monasteries were re-established in the 16th and 17th century, and one of them was the monastery in Žitomislići (1602/03). The head master in the monastery was Milisan Hrabren, but he did not live long enough to see the full restoration of the monastery.
From the middle of the 19th century, the monastery improved its economic, cultural and educational status. This led to the establishment of the Serbian national school and the Spiritual School in the village.
By the looking at the architectural aspects, the church of monastery is similar to the monasteries in Zavala and Pljevlji.
All the valuable documents from the Ottoman period, sacred items and the entire library were destroyed in a fire that took place in the monastery.
The place was recognized as a historical monument after the Second World War, but it was unfortunately totally destroyed during the recent war. The restoration is in progress, and the monastery is once again an active, spiritual centre.

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