četvrtak, 7. prosinca 2017.

Archaeological field of Badanj

Archaeological field of Badanj is situated in Borojevići, near Stolac. Archeologically this finding is placed in the late period of early Palaeolithic, i.e. 13 000 – 12 000 B.C. It was found in 1976. The engraving was found there, which was the first finding of that kind on the east coast of Adriatic. Badanj is very rich Palaeolithic ′ s and multi-level cave′ s finding. Badanj is a sot of a cave beside shallow recess in a rock, which is sheer descending on the right bank of Bregava, and archaeologically it is very important area, placed under rock,where Palaeolithic Homo Sapiens periodically lived. 

By the amount and nature of found materials we can only talk about accidental and short period of human living from Palaeolithic until Middle Age. Two fazes of Palaeolithic on the area of Badanj can be defined by the presence of many changes:
  1. The faze of glacial period
  2. The faze of early postglacial period
Fauna shows important changes, i.e. different climate in the first and second faze, but in both fazes deer is dominant (e.g. harpoon made of deer′ s horn). Small groups or communities of hunters lived on Badanj in short time periods.
According to big numbers of founded deer′ s bone and objects made of deer′ s horn, it is assumed that people lived here mostly in periods from March till May. At the bottom of the cave there was a fire-place, as a centre of life. According to the fauna′ s analyses the number of people who could satisfied their needs there was 10-15 persons. Close to the Badanj there are two not enough researched findings: Crvena pećina and Drenovačka pećina (caves). Finding of engraved drawing in Badanj′ s rock is extremely important. It is carved into oblique surface of ironed rock which is broken from cave′ s massif.
The drawing probably represents the figure of a horse watched from the right side and attacked with arrows. The cut is 5 mm deep. Hunting is usual theme, and basic of this art was visual mastering of animals and nature.

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