subota, 2. prosinca 2017.

Osman Djikic (poet)

Osman Đikić was a poet, publisher, member of the workers` movement and a national revolutionary during the Austro-Hungarian occupation. Đikic was a passionate activist in the struggle for religious autonomy of the Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the beginning of 20th century.
He was a constructive member of the Serbian and Yugoslavian ideas, and sought after cooperation between the Muslims and the Orthodox.
He published his works in magazines like “Bosanska vila”, “Zora” and “Behar”, and had two collections on his own: “Muslimanskoj mladeži” and “Ašiklije”.
Osman Đikić died in 1912, and was buried next to the entrance of the Karađozbeg`s Mosque. In his honour, a monument was built over his tomb in 1936. During the Second World War it was destroyed, but rebuilt right after.

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