petak, 15. prosinca 2017.

Jovan Ducic

A great poet and a diplomat, Jovan Dučić was born in Trebinje. The exact date of his birth is not known, but it is assumed that he was born in 1872. He has always pointed out his love for his hometown. The best proof of that are the things that he has done throughout his life and that he has left behind. The paths of his life have led him often away from Trebinje, which made him homesick. Dučić’s collection of over 5000 books, manuscripts of his literary works, journals and personal possessions are being kept at the National library in Trebinje.
He started his diplomatic career around the year 1907. As a diplomat, he used to travel a lot, and he always tried to transfer the achievements of the modern civilization to his native town.
Jovan Dučić died in 1943. in the USA. According to his own wish he was buried in his hometown. His grave is in the Hercegovačka Gračanica, on the hill Crkvina above Trebinje.

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