ponedjeljak, 11. prosinca 2017.


Wider space of today’s Čapljina, which was called Luka in the middle age, is situated on three rivers – Trebižat, Bregava, Krupa and Neretva. It was named Čapljina after mash bird “čaplja” (heron). From new part of the town to Mogorjelo was mash, which was inhabited with different birds, included herons. Under this name Čapljina was first mentioned in one Turkish document from 1475-1477. 

Also, it is mentioned in 1632 as a village of Mostar′ s district under cadi′ s authority. The most important settlements with traces of Hellenistic culture in the area of Čapljina were Mala and Velika gradina (acropolis) above Čapljina, where traces of fine Greek pots and number of fragments of amphora have been found.
Awaking of Čapljina′ s area from medieval dream begins in 1885 when the village belonged to district of Ljubuški. Ten years later, in 1895 there were 1007 inhabitants here. In that time railway is finished and Čapljina is settled with nearby settlers as with workers from nearby towns.
In 1904 when the railway station was built, the heart of the town is formed, what brings village Ćapljina from brows under Gradina. After the Second World War the town becomes urban. In 1962 Čaplina got its first urban plan. The parts of Čapljina are: Gradina, Vrgorac, Muša, Čapljina city and new part of the town. Nearby settlements are Dretelj, Tasovčići, Grabovine and Struge.

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